We offer a wide array of recreational activities for the entire community. Whether it’s the winter or summer, we have a program for you!
We love Port Jefferson and are excited to share our new programs with our residents.
To register online, you must create an account. You can create a family account all in one place! Follow the instructions below.
If you are already a have an online account, then follow instructions how to access it. If it is your first time, follow instructions new to the online registration.
To access it, follow these steps:
1. Click ‘sign-in’ button on the top right, you do not need to create a new account.
2. On the next page, click on ‘Forgot your password?’
3. Type in your email address
4. A temporary password will be sent to your email; use it to login.
5. There will be a ‘password tab’, enter temporary password and change / confirm to new password.
6. If you have any trouble logging in, please contact us at (631) 802-2160
If you are new to the online registration:
1. Click ‘sign-in’ button on the top right, then Click on Create a New Account link and follow the instructions.
2. If you have any trouble creating an account, please contact us at (631) 802-2160